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/ Wildcat Gold - The Optical BBS / Wildcat Gold - The Optical BBS (The Golden ROM Series)(Volume 4 Number 1)(The Digital Publishing Company)(1992).ISO / sdn / spellg11.sdn / SPELL4.ACE < prev   
Text File  |  1991-10-08  |  9KB  |  849 lines

  1. abactor
  2. abominable
  3. absolutize
  4. abstruse
  5. acceptant
  6. accusatory
  7. acidic
  8. acrobat
  9. actressy
  10. addressable
  11. adeptly
  12. adhesional
  13. adjudicate
  14. admeasure
  15. adoptable
  16. adsmith
  17. affirmative
  18. agonic
  19. alarmable
  20. alba
  21. alcoholism
  22. algorithm
  23. aliveness
  24. alkali
  25. allayment
  26. aloha
  27. altruism
  28. ambulation
  29. amnesia
  30. amputee
  31. anabolic
  32. anatomy
  33. android
  34. angulator
  35. annihilation
  36. anthropology
  37. antiquing
  38. antisocially
  39. antonym
  40. aphonic
  41. aplastic
  42. appendant
  43. apprentice
  44. aquatic
  45. arbiter
  46. arboret
  47. arcing
  48. ardency
  49. armaments
  50. artichoke
  51. artifice
  52. assassin
  53. astringe
  54. attrition
  55. auctioneer
  56. auditor
  57. auger
  58. auspices
  59. austere
  60. autonomous
  61. avocation
  62. axiom
  63. bachelor
  64. backwoodsy
  65. badminton
  66. bailment
  67. baize
  68. ballistics
  69. banda
  70. bankruptcy
  71. barbarism
  72. barbet
  73. baronet
  74. battlesome
  75. bauble
  76. beachcomber
  77. beaverette
  78. bedstead
  79. beeline
  80. beflustered
  81. belaud
  82. belton
  83. berouged
  84. bestsellerdom
  85. bethel
  86. biceps
  87. bigbloom
  88. binomial
  89. bioengineering
  90. bisector
  91. blameworthy
  92. blazonry
  93. blessedness
  94. blizzard
  95. bloodshot
  96. blooper
  97. blousette
  98. blueblossom
  99. blurbist
  100. bodice
  101. boing
  102. bonanza
  103. booklore
  104. borderline
  105. botcher
  106. bowery
  107. bracemate
  108. bradawl
  109. bratling
  110. breadwinner
  111. breakerman
  112. brewery
  113. bricklayer
  114. brisket
  115. brocade
  116. brushability
  117. buckwheat
  118. buffoon
  119. bullyboy
  120. bumblebee
  121. bunion
  122. burlap
  123. bursar
  124. butane
  125. buttonboard
  126. cablese
  127. cadre
  128. calamine
  129. calliope
  130. cameist
  131. campsite
  132. candidacy
  133. cannibal
  134. cantor
  135. carboy
  136. cark
  137. carnage
  138. carnival
  139. carriageable
  140. cartwright
  141. cask
  142. casuistic
  143. catalina
  144. cathole
  145. celebrant
  146. cellarage
  147. cellist
  148. censorship
  149. cessation
  150. chaffseed
  151. chancellor
  152. chandler
  153. chaotically
  154. chariot
  155. charismatic
  156. charwoman
  157. chatterer
  158. cheekiness
  159. cheeseburger
  160. chieftan
  161. cholesterol
  162. chortling
  163. chummage
  164. circuitous
  165. citation
  166. citify
  167. claque
  168. claret
  169. clarion
  170. cleanser
  171. clef
  172. clique
  173. closure
  174. clumsiness
  175. coauthor
  176. cockleshell
  177. coefficient
  178. coincidental
  179. colicky
  180. colin
  181. collectivize
  182. collodion
  183. colonelcy
  184. colossally
  185. combinatorial
  186. comedienne
  187. commemorative
  188. compathy
  189. compensatory
  190. compositor
  191. computable
  192. conclamant
  193. condescendent
  194. confirmable
  195. conglobe
  196. conjury
  197. conscientious
  198. consolidator
  199. constellation
  200. contaminant
  201. controversy
  202. conventionally
  203. conversant
  204. coordinate
  205. copyright
  206. cornhusking
  207. coronet
  208. corsair
  209. cortisone
  210. counselee
  211. countermand
  212. couture
  213. cozened
  214. craneway
  215. creatural
  216. crestless
  217. cribbage
  218. crisscross
  219. crocky
  220. crossrail
  221. crucible
  222. cryptic
  223. cudgel
  224. cuirass
  225. culgee
  226. cunette
  227. curliewurly
  228. cuticle
  229. cyclonic
  230. cynology
  231. dailiness
  232. dairymaid
  233. dampproof
  234. dauntless
  235. deacon
  236. deburr
  237. decadal
  238. decanter
  239. decimate
  240. declarative
  241. deflationary
  242. degreaser
  243. delator
  244. delinquent
  245. demented
  246. denominator
  247. depiction
  248. depository
  249. descendible
  250. destitution
  251. detriment
  252. developer
  253. diagnose
  254. diapered
  255. dictator
  256. dietetic
  257. digression
  258. diminutive
  259. dingbat
  260. diploma
  261. disadvantage
  262. disclaimant
  263. discoloration
  264. discourage
  265. discredit
  266. disinter
  267. divergence
  268. dizzyingly
  269. docility
  270. dockhand
  271. dodderer
  272. dogdom
  273. doleful
  274. dolt
  275. donee
  276. dormer
  277. dotard
  278. dowdily
  279. downtrodden
  280. drawl
  281. drippage
  282. drolly
  283. drudgery
  284. duchy
  285. duplicator
  286. dwindling
  287. dynamite
  288. eaglet
  289. earlobe
  290. easelback
  291. eclipse
  292. edgily
  293. edible
  294. educe
  295. eellike
  296. eggnog
  297. ejector
  298. elasticity
  299. elocution
  300. embroidery
  301. emissary
  302. emporium
  303. enclave
  304. endive
  305. endorsement
  306. engrossed
  307. enhance
  308. ennui
  309. enthusiasm
  310. enumerate
  311. equatable
  312. equine
  313. eradicable
  314. errancy
  315. escalator
  316. especially
  317. ethos
  318. euphoric
  319. evaluate
  320. evaporable
  321. evolvable
  322. exanimate
  323. exchequer
  324. exhilarate
  325. expectorant
  326. explosible
  327. eyewitness
  328. facilitator
  329. facultative
  330. faddist
  331. fainness
  332. fakement
  333. fandango
  334. fanglement
  335. fanzine
  336. fastuous
  337. fatuity
  338. feasible
  339. felonry
  340. femcee
  341. fernbrake
  342. fervently
  343. fibrated
  344. fifer
  345. filly
  346. finespun
  347. firebreak
  348. fishplate
  349. fizzwater
  350. flamethrower
  351. flammable
  352. flaterer
  353. fletcher
  354. flob
  355. floggable
  356. flowery
  357. flybrush
  358. fogyism
  359. foolhardy
  360. forceps
  361. forename
  362. forgettable
  363. fortieth
  364. fountain
  365. fragmentize
  366. fraternal
  367. freeloading
  368. freighter
  369. friskiness
  370. frolicsome
  371. frostbow
  372. fugitive
  373. fundamentally
  374. furl
  375. fuselage
  376. gaggle
  377. galling
  378. gangrene
  379. garnishee
  380. gastric
  381. gauzy
  382. genes
  383. genitive
  384. genuflect
  385. germicide
  386. ghetto
  387. giraffe
  388. girth
  389. gladiator
  390. glasswort
  391. gleanings
  392. gleefully
  393. gluten
  394. glyph
  395. goggles
  396. gosling
  397. governess
  398. gradeability
  399. gradient
  400. grandeur
  401. grapnel
  402. gravitation
  403. gremlin
  404. grievance
  405. grouchiness
  406. growthy
  407. guardian
  408. guffaw
  409. guiltsick
  410. gunrunning
  411. guttural
  412. gyroscope
  413. habitat
  414. halibut
  415. halo
  416. handicapper
  417. handleable
  418. handyman
  419. hapchance
  420. hassock
  421. hawthorn
  422. headquarters
  423. heaven
  424. heelball
  425. helix
  426. helmeted
  427. hemic
  428. heptagon
  429. hereinbelow
  430. hiatus
  431. hibernate
  432. highbinding
  433. hilarious
  434. hippopotamus
  435. hoarseness
  436. hoboism
  437. hokum
  438. hollygrape
  439. homestretch
  440. horsehair
  441. hospitality
  442. hotelless
  443. howel
  444. howitzer
  445. hoyle
  446. hubbub
  447. humidor
  448. hurtle
  449. hydrofoil
  450. hygienically
  451. hypnotist
  452. hypothesis
  453. hysterical
  454. ickiness
  455. idiotize
  456. ignoramus
  457. illumination
  458. immie
  459. imperiously
  460. impressionable
  461. inauguration
  462. inclement
  463. incompletable
  464. inconclusible
  465. incubator
  466. incumbent
  467. indemnify
  468. indescribable
  469. indomitable
  470. inflationary
  471. infractor
  472. inhumanness
  473. inodorous
  474. insinuate
  475. installant
  476. insulin
  477. intelligential
  478. intergalactic
  479. intervolve
  480. intestine
  481. intimidator
  482. intolerable
  483. intonement
  484. intramural
  485. intransitive
  486. intricacy
  487. introducible
  488. intrusion
  489. intuitive
  490. invadable
  491. invariant
  492. inverted
  493. investigator
  494. invigorating
  495. invitee
  496. invocable
  497. inwardly
  498. inwit
  499. iodize
  500. ion
  501. irascible
  502. iris
  503. ironically
  504. irradiate
  505. irrational
  506. irrelevant
  507. irremovable
  508. irresponsible
  509. irritator
  510. islet
  511. isness
  512. isolationism
  513. isometric
  514. issuable
  515. isthmus
  516. itchiness
  517. itinerary
  518. ivory
  519. ivybells
  520. jabot
  521. jacamar
  522. jackanapes
  523. jackroller
  524. jaconet
  525. jadeite
  526. jaleo
  527. janitress
  528. japery
  529. jasm
  530. jasper
  531. jawbreaker
  532. jellify
  533. jingly
  534. justiciable
  535. kaiser
  536. keelblock
  537. keepable
  538. kelpfish
  539. kempt
  540. kerflop
  541. kernel
  542. kerplunk
  543. kibitz
  544. kicksorter
  545. klomp
  546. knightling
  547. knockabout
  548. knoll
  549. knucks
  550. lacteal
  551. laggardly
  552. lambda
  553. lancet
  554. lapidary
  555. leasable
  556. leatherine
  557. lectionary
  558. lemur
  559. leopardess
  560. lexical
  561. libel
  562. liberalize
  563. licensable
  564. licit
  565. lido
  566. lienholder
  567. lifemanship
  568. lilies
  569. limby
  570. littlish
  571. liturgy
  572. livelong
  573. llano
  574. loam
  575. locale
  576. locomotion
  577. locust
  578. loftily
  579. lottery
  580. loupe
  581. lovelorn
  582. lozenge
  583. luau
  584. luculent
  585. luff
  586. lukewarmly
  587. luminaire
  588. luncheonette
  589. lynx
  590. macaroon
  591. macaw
  592. maco
  593. macrocosm
  594. magmatic
  595. magnetician
  596. magnificat
  597. mahout
  598. mai
  599. mainprise
  600. majorette
  601. malar
  602. maleficent
  603. mallard
  604. malocclusion
  605. mandlen
  606. maraud
  607. marplot
  608. mascara
  609. mastiff
  610. mathematician
  611. mayoralty
  612. mazer
  613. meadowwink
  614. measles
  615. medallionist
  616. medicolegal
  617. mediocre
  618. medius
  619. meemies
  620. megalopolis
  621. melba
  622. mentalist
  623. mentor
  624. merfolk
  625. mildewed
  626. militancy
  627. mixology
  628. mohair
  629. monarchy
  630. monkeyfy
  631. montane
  632. moreish
  633. motile
  634. mucilage
  635. mufti
  636. mummery
  637. musculature
  638. myopia
  639. nabob
  640. nacelle
  641. naiant
  642. nanogram
  643. nautilus
  644. neap
  645. nebbish
  646. negotiator
  647. negus
  648. neigh
  649. neon
  650. ness
  651. nettlesome
  652. newlywed
  653. newscaster
  654. nightingale
  655. nocent
  656. nodule
  657. noisette
  658. nonsked
  659. nonuple
  660. noodledom
  661. noontide
  662. notarize
  663. novelese
  664. noxiously
  665. nuance
  666. nubbin
  667. nuclear
  668. numerology
  669. oafish
  670. objectivity
  671. obsessive
  672. occasionally
  673. octagon
  674. odium
  675. offscour
  676. ointment
  677. ombudsman
  678. omissible
  679. onager
  680. oneiric
  681. oneness
  682. onyx
  683. oolong
  684. oometer
  685. opah
  686. opaquely
  687. operant
  688. oppugn
  689. orbit
  690. orthodox
  691. osmosis
  692. osprey
  693. ostrich
  694. ottoman
  695. outmoded
  696. outrageous
  697. ovary
  698. overbearance
  699. overcompensate
  700. overriding
  701. overt
  702. ovoid
  703. owlets
  704. oxblood
  705. oxbow
  706. oxidation
  707. oyster
  708. ozonic
  709. pantherine
  710. paraph
  711. parenthesize
  712. parfait
  713. parishioner
  714. parlous
  715. parrotlet
  716. partage
  717. participle
  718. pencraft
  719. pendulum
  720. percolate     
  721. pertinently
  722. pharos
  723. phasic
  724. phenomenon
  725. phew
  726. philosopher
  727. phobia 
  728. phonily
  729. phrasing
  730. pica
  731. planish
  732. plaustral
  733. plexus
  734. poinciana     
  735. policize
  736. pontal
  737. porpoise
  738. posology
  739. possessor
  740. posset           
  741. posttension
  742. praline
  743. predestine
  744. preferential
  745. primacy          
  746. pronounceable
  747. propolis
  748. prorogue
  749. provender
  750. psilosis
  751. psychedelic
  752. ptarmigan
  753. pylon
  754. pyre
  755. qualmish
  756. quantal            
  757. quartile
  758. quasi
  759. quern
  760. queued
  761. quisling
  762. quizzically             
  763. quondam
  764. rabbitry
  765. raglan
  766. raillery
  767. rale
  768. ramify
  769. rapacious
  770. rationale
  771. ravine
  772. realty
  773. reappraisal
  774. rebiddable
  775. recapitulate  
  776. receptacle
  777. roble
  778. roe
  779. rube
  780. saddlebow
  781. satiny
  782. saucerless        
  783. scaffold
  784. scheme
  785. secondariness
  786. serrefine
  787. servile              
  788. shenanigans
  789. simpatico
  790. snooty
  791. squadron
  792. squeg
  793. staypak          
  794. stearic
  795. steeved
  796. streusel
  797. strudel
  798. sturgeon
  799. suable             
  800. suasible
  801. subjectable
  802. successor
  803. suggestible
  804. suint             
  805. sukiyaki
  806. sulcus
  807. superjacent
  808. symbiosis
  809. taloned                
  810. tangibility
  811. technician
  812. thoroughbred
  813. thule
  814. timorous
  815. travesty  
  816. turbid
  817. ultimacy
  818. unabridged
  819. upheaval
  820. uproarious
  821. urn
  822. vacuum    
  823. vainnes
  824. valet
  825. vandalism
  826. velocious
  827. vendue
  828. vesicant
  829. vespacide  
  830. vigilante
  831. vilely
  832. virent
  833. weighhouse
  834. whammy
  835. whelk
  836. wherry
  837. wizen 
  838. wok
  839. womp                                                     
  840. te
  841. vilely
  842. virent
  843. weighhouse
  844. whammy
  845. whelk
  846. wherry
  847. wizen 
  848. wok
  849. womp